When the muse strikes...with a RAGING VENGEANCE
I'm sure you all have heard it. When a writer is really flying along he or she will say, "It was like the characters were writing themselves, as if I was merely a vessel for the words to travel through." Now, I'm not trying to support or deny the exsistence of this prose possesion. Trying to do so far surpasses the power of this humble blogger. However, I have found a few pages that might validate this experience. These pages so finely crafted that there is no way that they didn't come from some writing trance, some brilliant subconcious level of, let's call them what they are folks, of some genius' mind.
You think he's angry? Maybe just a tad? OF COURSE HE IS ANGRY. He is raging. Even his name is Rage, if that isn't a sign of just how pissed off he is than the fact that he says it four times in one panel is the real kicker. Only a writer who really tapped Rage's...well rage could really have written this dialogue. I mean look at it. It's so full of fury.
Howard Mackie takes this experience to a whole new level with Sprirts of Vengeance #2. He got so far into the mind the character that I'm not sure that he was ever able to truly recover from it.
Yeah, she wants some payback. She wants payback badly so badly that she talks like a skipping record. The number of times the word "vengeance" is uttered in the comic, not including the title, is seventeen. The only words to beat that it in frequency are "the" and "is". I'm telling you Mackie can create a character like nobody's business. Like Rage above, Steel Vengeance has her driving goal in her name. What an amazing way of using the writing craft! From what I heard Salinger almost did the same thing with Catcher in the Rye. Holden Caulfied was supposed to be named Sullen McDepressed and start every sentence with "Depressed". But Salinger, unlike my buddy H. Mackie, caved to the publishers and curbed his ability to truly get into his protagonist's head. Sell out.